Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Wishes for the Book Genie

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This week the theme is wished you'd ask the book genie to grant, and though mine aren't that original, I'm sure it's something most book lovers agree with.

1. That J. K. Rowling will write more books about Harry and his friends.

2. Being able to read faster, but still understand what I'm actually reading. I need my TBR-pile to get smaller. Fast.

3. Cheaper books, or more money for books. I just need more, I can't get enough.

4. More hours in a day, so that I have time to read more. Or make me not need sleep, you know, whichever works best for you.

5. Being able to forget books I've read, so that I could read them again, and excperience the story for the first time all over again.

6. Every cover will match, so there will be no mid-series cover changes that just ruins everything.

7. My own home library. This is one of my ultimate goals, and I wouldn't mind some help from a genie to accomplish it. 

That's all I have for now, though I'll surely think of plenty more when I've posted this!

What would you ask of the genie?


  1. #7 is the theme of my entire post this week lol My TTT

  2. Great list! we have a few in common !
