Title: Photographs from the Edge
Author: Art Wolfe, Rob Sheppard
Publisher: Amphoto Books
Year published: 2016
How I got this book: I got it as an e-arc through NetGalley
My rating: -
Goodreads synopsis:
With more than 500,000 books sold, celebrated nature photographer Art Wolfe recounts the stories and techniques behind the images of his forty-year career around the world.
Legendary photographer Art Wolfe presents an intimate behind-the-scenes guide to the experiences, decisions, and methods that have influenced forty years of stunning images captures around the world. Wolfe and co-author Rob Sheppard transport readers on a global journey, while carrying on a dialog about photography, tolls and process, world travel, close calls, and photographic opportunities both taken and missed. From the rich sights and smells of the Pushcar Camel Fair to the exact moment when a polar bear and her cubs leave their arctic den, Photographs from the Edge represents the instances when circumstance, light, and subject miraculously collide to form an iconic image. Many of these photographs can never be duplicated as cultures and landscapes are transformed and wildlife diminishes or disappears all together. No matter his subjects, Wolfe regales us with the stories behind the photographs and helps us experience life on the world's most unique photo safari. Photographs from the Edge is a lifetime of experience distilled into a rich photographic education.
My thoughts:
Before I start my review, I want to mention that I got this book for free as an arc through NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. All opinions here are my own, and not influenced by the fact that I got this for free.
I've never read a photography book before, because I'm not really that interested in it, to be honest. But when I got accepted for this on NetGalley, I was excited. The cover drew me in, it's absolutely stunning, and I really wanted to see more pictures from Art Wolfe.
What I really enjoyed about this book was that it wasn't just pictures. Wolfe told about every picture he included in this book, how he got it and the adventures he experienced travelling throughout the world to find these pictures. The stories were all intriguing, and I learnt about different cultures and animals, about whatever he had pictured.
Beneath most of the pictures they also included to short paragraphs, one called "The nature of the photo" and "photo tip". The first one gave us some basic information about the picture, whilst the latter was written by Rob Sheppard giving photography tips, usually something relevant with the photograph.
I really enjoyed reading this. Because of all the pictures, this was obviously a short read. I can imagine this being the perfect coffee-table book. You don't have to read all of it in one sitting, though that's what I did. It's a book that's perfect to pick up now and then, working slowly through it. I can imagine this being a great gift for someone, because it can also be used to decorate a home. You don't have to like to read to enjoy this, because it's mostly looking at beautiful photographs.
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