Title: Inborn (The Birthright #1)

Publisher: Amy Saunders
Year published: 2016
How I got this book: I got it through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
My rating: 4 stars
Goodreads synopsis:
Rosamund Brandt has had a semi normal life for sixteen years. Well, semi normal for a family descended from aliens. Sure, she could create portals and her family had a secret basement. But she went to school, had a best friend, and got her driving permit like every other teen.
However, her definition of "normal" unravels when a killer with multiple powers and an agenda steps into town. When Rosamund herself becomes a target, she has a choice between playing the killer's game and saving a few, or getting to the core of the murders and stopping them for good.
Rosamund's choice will save everyone she cares about - or unleash a new era for herself and her family, shattering whatever hope for going back to normal she had.
My thoughts:
Before I start, this review will not contain any spoilers. However, if you wish to go into this book knowing as little as possible, I would recommend not reading this before reading the book.
I usually don't read a lot of sci-fi, because I always think I won't like it. This book proved me wrong. It immediately grabs your attention, and it's difficult to put it down. As soon as you're invested in this book, you want to know what happens.
The mystery in this book is so well though out, and I didn't know anything until it was revealed. We only know what the main character, Rosamund, knows, and with her confusion it's not easy trying to find out who the killer is. You don't know who you can trust until you finish the last chapter, and I absolutely loved that.
Our main character, Rosamund Brandt, had a really enjoyable POV. We only read from her perspective throughout the entire book, and it really works in this. Only knowing what she knows, and being confused when she is, it really draws you into the story.
Though this is about aliens, I found everything to be quite believable. The way that the "alien society" worked, and how they all live with normal people, it made the story very easy to follow. The fact that they were aliens weren't the main point in this book, the plot was about finding out who the killer was, and they just happen to be aliens.
It says that this book is the first one in The Birthright series, so I will definitely pick up the next one when that comes out. This book doesn't leave you with a big cliffhanger, but it leaves enough to make you want more, and to find out more of what's happening.
This is a book I would recommend to people, even though they might not be fans of sci-fi. It's more of a mystery thriller, with a bit of sci-fi as well. And it really works! It might not be something I'll recommend to my mother, but I will talk about it to my friends. If you are even a little bit intrigued by the synopsis, or any review, you should pick it up.
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