Title: A World Between
Author: Robert Herzog
Publisher: The Story Plant
Year published: 2016
How I got this book: I got it as an arc through NetGalley for free in exchange for an honest review
My rating: 3 stars
Goodreads synopsis:
Parts of the world have gone missing. For a while, only a few noticed. Then an increasing number of spaces disrupt the fabric of reality, threatening the foundation of our world, setting off a race by some of the greatest minds on the planet to determine what force, godlike or human, is behind the change before the problem leads to global cataclysm. A breathtaking novel that thrills on both an epic and human scale, A World Between is an adventure unlike any you've ever read.
My thoughts:
Unfortunately, I was a bit disappointed with this book. I was so excited for it, but I couldn't get into it.
If you're looking for a fast-paced book, this is definitely not the book for you. There's not a lot of plot in it, but more information and research. I think a lot of people will enjoy this book a lot, it just wasn't for me. It might just been that I've read it at the wrong time, because I'm in the mood for fast.paced and exciting books at the moment, but it's not a bad book. Not at all.
I will recommend this to everyone who is interested in physics, the universe and things like that. This book will probably be right up your alley. I might give this book a second chance another time, but for now I will leave my 3-star rating and my feeling on it, but keep in mind that even though I didn't enjoy it, that doesn't mean that you won't enjoy it.
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