Title: Doing It!: Let's Talk About Sex
Author: Hannah Witton
Publisher: Wren & Rook
Year published: 2017
How I got this book: Bought it through BookDepository
My rating: 5 stars
Goodreads synopsis:
Figuring out how to build and maintain healthy relationships - with your family, friends, romantically and with yourself - is a crucial part of being a teen. It's not easy though, particularly in a digital age where information and advice are so forthcoming it can be hard to know who or what to believe or trust. Porn is everywhere, sexting is the norm and messages about body image are highly mixed. Hannah combats this by tackling subjects ranging from masturbation and puberty to slut shaming and consent in an accessible, relatable and extremely honest way. She is unembarrassed about bringing little-discussed topics into the open, and such empowers teens to have the confidence to conduct relationships on their terms, and in a way they feel comfortable with.
My thoughts:
I am an avid watcher of Hannah's YouTube channel, and I expected to throughly enjoy this book from the moment she announced she was writing one. Based on her channel, I guessed that she would write a book like this, and I am so glad she did. The book is both educational and funny, which makes it easy to read.
Hannah's voice in the book isn't too formal, and I felt like she was talking to me through a video, not writing an educational book. You can tell that it's really her behind the writing, and I had her voice in my ear as I was reading.
This book covers a lot of different subjects, also including things she might not have experiences herself. She has a lot of guests in this book to help with this, as they are able to provide a voice from experience. One thing I really enjoyed was that Hannah kept repeating that she knew she was privileged, as in the fact that she is a cis, straight, white female. I am that as well, and I think it is important to understand that we will never experience things the same way as, for instance, a black, transgender female. That is why I think it was so brilliant that she brought in friends, instead of writing everything from her perspective.
Hannah has said that this book is mainly for 16+, and I understand why. It deals with some adult subjects, and I think it's harder to understand if your younger. However, this is a book I feel like a lot of people should read. You might learn a lot about things you've never thought about before, and it can really open your eyes. I am telling several of my friends to read this book. And it's a quick and easy read as well, I read it in just under two hours. So it's not a big commitment either.
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