Title: Princess in the Spotlight / Take Two (The Princess Diaries #2)
Author: Meg Cabot
Publisher: HarperTeen
Year published: 2001
How I got this book: Borrowed it at my local library
My rating: 4,5 stars
Goodreads synopsis:
"Seriously, Lily," I said, "I have to have guard diligently against falling in love with somebody like your brother, because in the end I might have to marry Prince William."
Not that would be such a great sacrifice.
Nothing's simple when you're the new Princess of Genovia. At least, that's what Mia reckons.
With her mother dating her Algebra teacher, a secret admirer sending her mysterious e-mails, and a bad case of the hots for her friends Lily's brother Michael, Mia's discovering that life as Princess Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo can feel like a right-royal muddle!
My thoughts:
I enjoyed this book more than the first one, but that might because I have gotten used to the writing and I am more invested in the characters.
Mia is as funny in this one, as in the first, which I really liked. Her reaction to the world around her is always funny, and I do feel for her most of the time. It can't be easy living her life, but it is still fun to read about.
There are, of course, some romance in this book, with Mia receiving anonymous love e-mails. I found it quite easy to figure out who it was, but it didn't take away any enjoyment from my side, so I didn't really mind.
Hopefully, I'll be able to find the next couple of books at my local library, because I would like to continue on with these books. However, I don't think I would buy them, so it all depends on my local library.
If this series sounds like something you'd enjoy, I would recommend picking up the first one and figure out what you think. They are intended for a younger audience, so keep that in mind if you're my age or older.
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